The team at Bloomberg reached out to me because they needed to spice up their online appearance and improve conversions. They were releasing new, attractive offers with discounts for their terminal and they needed appealing digital banners.

Client: Bloomberg    |   Type: Digital Banners


While Bloomberg’s style guide may appear minimalistic and monochromatic, their brand manual for promotional materials boasts an array of elegantly designed shapes in a vibrant spectrum of colors. This versatile approach successfully complements both light-hearted articles on pop culture icons like Justin Bieber, as well as weightier pieces on presidential elections and other serious subjects.

This style would become the foundation for their promotional visual identity going forward.



I N V I T I N G  A E S T H E T H I C S

A punch of colorful aesthetic turned monochromatic brand into something that truly speaks to their intended audience in a warm, friendly way. The resulting design could be described as a clever fusion of Swiss design school principles with the flamboyant aesthetic of Milton Glaser.



S M A R T  M I C R O – C O P Y

In addition to designing digital banners, I also had the opportunity to craft some compelling copy for ad headlines. One of my favorites was “Save BBig,” which played on the acronym BB commonly used for Bloomberg Businessweek in the finance industry. This clever wordplay added an intentional ambiguity to the headline and made it all the more impactful.



C O L O R S   T H A T   S P E A K

The use of color is crucial in crafting a successful ad campaign. Vibrant hues and strategic use of contrast can effectively highlight important elements and drive better click-through rates (CTR) and conversions.


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